YouTube Fiction Friday

Transdimention ZombiesWant to listen to a story? Transdimentional Zombies is a short story about a zombie researcher who stumbles on a surprising discovery while exploring a graveyard. Produced by Immortal Works.

A Case of the Feels: Severus Snape

Every once in a while there is a character that has such depth, such surprising tenderness, that it catches you off guard. The Harry Potter universe is filled with people and creatures that have captured the imagination of this generation. It has become a household name.

There is one character that deserves more time in the sun than he has received, and that is Severus Snape. In the earlier half of the story we were led to believe that Snape was the enemy and in league with the Dark Lord himself.  However, as the story unfolded we started to see an entirely different person hiding beneath that tightly buttoned exterior.

And I love JK Rowling all the more for it.  It would have been so easy to keep Snape as a stereotypical villain, all bad and moody and foul. But no, she injects a passion and a humanity in his character with his love he had for Harry’s mother, Lily.  A passion that is carried over onto Harry himself after her murder. Suddenly, he becomes this conflicted and wonderful character with a huge depth of feeling that must be keep suppressed at all times.

Brilliant YouTuber Kcawseome13 created a montage of all of Snape’s key scenes in chronological order that perfectly demonstrates the true nature of his character. If you have 14 minutes, I recommend it.  Not only is it fascinating to watch, but it is created beautifully. Have a tissue handy!

New Trailer Release: Star Wars, the Force Awakens

Possibly the biggest thing that happened in the fantasy/scifi world this weekend is the release of the teaser trailer for the newest chapter in the Star Wars saga – if there was something bigger, fill me in.

Star Wars, the Force Awakens (episode 7, for those who are still counting) occurs 30 years after Return of the Jedi where the Death Star is taken out once and for all by the Rebel Alliance and Luke confronts Darth Vader and learns of his true lineage.  It ends with the big party in the Ewok forest and life is good, or is it?

No real spoilers have leaked about this newest chapter but there are tons of theories floating around.  Obviously there is some threat that requires the Jedi to return in force to handle it, most likely the Sith, since they are they only bad guys from the first six movies that could exist and grow stronger over the thirty year gap in the story. To face this threat the Jedi are going to need to do something to be sure they are strong enough to win.

Some of our favorite players are returning to their respective roles including: Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Anthony Daniels (C3PO), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), and Kenny Baker (R2-D2).

This episode is both directed and written in part by the illustrious and trend setting J.J. Abrams who brought new life into the Star Trek universe with his work on the movies Star Trek and Star Trek into Darkness. Let’s hope he can do the same for the Star Wars universe as well. And hey, who doesn’t love more lens flares?

Thankfully, John Williams has been enlisted once more to create the awesome music that has always been a part of the Star Wars saga. I’d be angry if they had found someone else, although I would love to see what Hans Zimmer or James Horner would have come up with.

Here is the link, enjoy!

Official Teaser Trailer #1:




Speculative Fiction with Shia Labeouf

It’s no surprise that I love YouTube and pop culture.  So, when I found this awesome little piece – just in time for Halloween I might add – I knew I had to share it.

Speculative fiction is when a story has one or more elements that aren’t considered part of the real world including magic, fantasy creatures, and unreal settings.  It includes such genres as horror, fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, and yes, even vampire romances.

Since Shia isn’t an actual cannibal, as far as we know, this lovely piece of internet is a solid horror story instead of a factual recounting. It is also the most bizarre thing I’ve seen all year, and that’s saying something.

Michael Jackson’s Ghosts Music Featurette

Just in time for Halloween I’ve found what has to be the strangest Michael Jackson music video out there – the 40 min long “Ghosts” featurette. In it, a quiet community is up in arms about one of the stranger residents because he doesn’t fit the norm.

Although it was shot in 1996, the film is meant to be set somewhere in the fifties which makes it stranger to see an angry mob of Leave it to Beaver wannabes storming his house armed with torches, yes, actual flaming torches, but no pitch forks – that would be silly.

Jackson does his best to scare the townsfolk away by making silly faces. They aren’t impressed so he summons his legion of ghost family who dance and gyrate and pelvic thrust in a way that only is found in a Michael Jackson video.

Some interesting notes – the film was co-written by none other than horror novelist Stephen King. Also, Jackson plays five different roles including that of the stuffy town mayor who wants to run him out-of-town.

It isn’t Thriller by a long shot and I can only guess that this was trying to relive those glory days. If anything it comes across as gross and a little silly.  Still, it was enough to keep my nearly three-year old up all night with nightmares.

Wanna know more? Check out the wiki.


Don’t do dumb things – Texting and Driving

Although this blog is mainly used for entertainment purposes, today’s post is deadly serious.  I happened to come across a disturbing and eye opening public service announcement video that I feel is important enough to share. It is my hope that by sharing this message the current attitude about texting while driving being okay, will change.

A Case for Texting while Driving

Before you watch this video be warned, it is graphic and intense.  If you are overly sensitive to seeing human tragedy, I suggest you skip it.  To be honest, when I finished watching I felt physically sick. This accident is a reenactment of a real accident that killed four people in Tredgar, located in south-east Wales. The Tredegar Comprehensive School and Gwent Police banded together to create this teaser for a longer video created to emphasize how dangerous it is to text and drive, especially for young or new drivers.


This isn’t the only video about a tragedy that has happened because of a distracted driver, there are dozens if not more online.  With the coming of new and better technology available for phones and personal devices this problem will only continue to grow.

For this, I plead with you –

Don’t do dumb things.

The world is a fantastic and wonderful place filled with fascinating people and thrilling adventures. Too many accidents happen when people fail to think through their actions beforehand. They think, “That could never happen to me. I’m careful. I’ve done it before.”

It’s not if the accident will happen, with this attitude, it’s when.

I grieve for all the families who have suffered tragedy and death due to texting and driving.   I don’t know about the rest of you, but today I’m holding my babies tighter and praying that the people driving around where they play and go to school put their phones away and pay attention.  No should ever have to bury a loved one because of this.

Oh, and wear your seat belt

To leave this heavy message on a brighter note, here is perhaps the best commercial for wearing a seat belt. It’ll make you cry, but in a good way.

If you feel this message is important, speak out! Share, reblog, tweet, pin, and be a part of the solution.  You can make a difference!