5 Quotes for Back to School

It’s that time of year again, school time. For many of us that means wistfully thinking of our own school days of the past. For the rest of us, it means getting kiddos up and out the door as they embark on their own adventures of discovery and learning. Whichever way it is, let’s send them off with an empowering saying or two, or five.

I’m not going to school just for the academics. I wanted to share ideas, and be around people who are passionate about learning.

Emma Watson

Intelligence plus character – that is the true goal of education.

Martin Luther King Jr.

You learn something every day if you pay attention.

Ray LeBlond

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

John Dewey

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You can also find updates and post notifications on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram – chose the one you like the most!

5 Summer Quotes to distract you

While there are many of you who love the summer heat and fun, if you are anything like me, you’re fed up with this particular summer where everything is out to get you. Let’s agree for the next few moments to sit back, relax and remember all the parts of summer that we love and are still am trying to enjoy.

Oh, and make yourself a yummy drink to sit back and enjoy as well. You deserve it.

“Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink in the wild air.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter.”

Henry David Thoreau

“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explode, and every sunset is different.”

John Steinbeck

“Summer has filled her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon.”

C. Day Lewis

“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.”

Maud Hart Lovelace

Thank you dear reader for stopping by! If you’d like to be notified of future posts here at JodiLMilner.com, be sure to ‘subscribe’ using the handy links. Or, even better, sign up to be part of my mailing list and get a signup bonus of one of my short stories for free.

You can also find updates and post notifications on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram – chose the one you like the most!

The Headcanon Defined

If you are a follower of any fandom to the extent that you frequent fan sites and Pinterest pages then you will have encountered the word “headcanon.”

The first time I encountered the term I imagined it in literal terms and defined it as something to think about that blows the mind. This would be more true had it been spelled headcannon. BOOM!

When I noticed that it was “canon” and not “cannon” I realized I was missing something and set off to find the truth.

The secret is in the “canon’ itself. The word is originally used in two ways. In the first, a canon as a general rule or law by which something else is judged.  The second is a collection or list of sacred books that are accepted as genuine. Used in terms of fandoms, the “canon” is what exists as presented by the creators of the series.

The Doctor Who canon is all of the episodes in existence and the stories and characters contained therein.

When we add the “head” onto the “canon” it changes it to mean an alternate belief about the stories or characters that exists in the head of the viewer. While the term suggests that these beliefs are personal, thanks to the internet there are whole websites devoted to some of the more popular headcanons.

In Doctor Who, there are several awesome headcanons, here are a few:



tumblr_mpj0cgtnbD1sxkiemo1_1280Have an awesome headcanon to share? Tell us in the comments!

My Gift to you – Memes with the Doctor

Happy Memorial Day weekend! If you are reading this I hope it is while you are driving somewhere fabulous and are desparate for some entertainment. I take that back, don’t do anything on your smartphone whiile driving. However, should you be a passenger in a car driving some intolerable distance here is some much needed entertainment, enjoy!

Ok, I admit, I would have liked to have a few more of these, but I, myself, am trapped in a car driving an intolerable distance with my whole darling family. These make me happy.




5 Favorite Mother’s Day Memes

In honor of Mother’s Day (and because it’s easy and my kids are still off track on the year-round schedule) here are a collection of humorous and amusing Mother’s Day memes.






Have a favorite? Share in the comments below!

Want to brighten a Mom’s day? Send this their way!

Favorite Fandom Memes

It’s Friday, and it’s a pretty great day to celebrate some of my favorite fandoms.

mf-130227-2705983186812539392I’ve always been more of a Trekkie than a Star Wars fan, although I appreciate the latter for the sheer scope of its franchise.

mathjoke-funnypics-haha-humor-math-mathmeme-meme-lotr-lordoftherings-elvish-calculusI loved Lord of the Rings before it was cool. I read the books in college and in high school. Naturally, the first movie came out I was living out of the country and I had to wait.

harry-potter-memes-amenAs evidenced by my previous post, yes I do love Harry Potter. I am guilty of dressing up as Hermione for line parties and even as Lockheart’s personal assistant for local magic shows. As an unrelated side note, there are a LOT of really great Potter memes.

frabz-Trust-me-Im-the-Doctor-8b7624I recently dove into the Doctor Who universe and am currently up to series 4. I’ve heard you either love Doctor Who or hate it, and I can wholeheartedly say I love it.  I think I have a little crush on David Tennant as well… Don’t tell my hubby.

There’s also Warehouse 13, Sherlock, and Once Upon a Time that I watch, but have yet to develop true feelings for.  They are entertaining and often well written, but I wouldn’t cry if they disappeared for some reason. Well perhaps if Cumberbatch disappeared…

What about you, dear reader? What fandoms are you a part of?

Let me know in the comments!

Salt Lake Comic Con FanX 2015

This upcoming weekend my city will be flooded with an alien invasion. That’s right. Call the INS, Avengers, and Ghostbusters – The Salt Lake Comic Con FanX has arrived. From Jan 29 – 31 the downtown area will be flooded with Whovians, Trekkies, all manner of anime, DC and Marvel fans, Potter fans, Star Wars, and so many more that I can’t even count.

To pay homage to this three-day party educational event, today’s post comes from the land of fan created memes.  Well that, and with the kids out of school this week, this is all the concentration I can muster.


Image from hiddlememes.tumbler.com

Image from hiddlememes.tumbler.com

falls for the bad guy

To check out the guest list or buy your very own ticket (or buy one for me, pleeeese?) go check out the Salt Lake Comic Con webpage. For even more information, and also a whole lot of fun, you can also go to their facebook page.


And if you are going, be sure to go find my friends at the Xchyler Publishing Table in the Purple 8 zone.  Tell them Jodi sent you!

Oh, the Distractions!

A recent study came out comparing the quality of writing by people who were allowed to work uninterrupted vs. those where were interrupted every few minutes. It’s not surprising that those who were able to work without distractions did much better than those who were distracted.

I could have saved them a lot of money.

The majority of my writing time happens when there are small people in the house. Despite their best intentions and all my efforts to keep them entertained with projects and games, they still come to me every few minutes.  Even when they don’t come to me I have to keep my ears open and listening for sounds of destruction or distress.

Needless to say, I’m a distracted writer.  It is very rare when I have the house to myself, so rare in fact that it takes time to adjust.  The silence is jarring. I continue to listen for problems to be solved, even though there is no one home. This time is vital to work through difficult scenes that require focus, but no matter how much it doesn’t make sense, part of me feels there is something wrong.

It gets worse.  Even without the kids around there will always be email, Facebook, Pandora, and Pinterest just one click away.  While I do turn notifications off, the temptation is always there, especially if I’m working on something that’s hard.  A small break can easily turn into a dive into the rabbit hole of social media that can last anywhere between 5 minutes to the rest of the evening.

Is removing distractions a good idea? Yes.

Is it possible? Yes, but it’s tough.

Now let’s go see what’s on Facebook… 🙂