Squirrel! Podcast for the Distracted Writer

There’s a new podcast for writers who tend to get distracted. Created by Candace J. Thomas and myself, Jodi L. Milner, the aim of Squirrel! is to support, educate, and entertain.

Candace and I are both highly distractable people. We’ve both got families with kids that need our attention. She’s got a day job I have clients I consult with to help them reach their writing goals. We both volunteer way too many hours of our time for our local writing organization. And – we’re both published indie authors trying to continue to bring new books into the world.

So, yeah – you can say we understand what it’s like to really want to work on writing projects and getting distracted by life constantly.

But, there’s one thing that we’re both passionate about, and that’s helping other writers succeed in their creative efforts. We love attending and teaching at conferences and conventions and delight when writers come up to our table wanting to know more about the craft.

So, making a podcast where we can collect all this awesome information that we’ve gathered over the years simply made sense.

If you’re a creative person who needs a bit of encouragement and support in the pursuit of your own creative projects, Squirrel! was made just for you.

Each episode has a specific focus. Popular topics include productivity, craft, mental health, and character development. We aim for each episode to be between 20-30 mins – the perfect length for your commute or while working around the house.

Find Squirrel! Podcast for the Distracted Writer in the following places:

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