The Irresistible Pull of Laughter

The other day hubby was browsing Reddit and suddenly he started laughing. It was one of those infectious belly laughs that instantly grabs the attention of anyone nearby and makes them smile. I’m convinced that nothing pulls on the curiosity harder than figuring out what has made someone else truly laugh.

Sure enough, as soon as hubby laughed I stopped what I was doing to see what it was and my youngest son (who was supposed to be finishing his dinner) did also.

If you’ve ever been out in public, obviously not recently, and caught someone truly laughing in joy or amusement over something, I bet you smiled too.

Let’s share some smiles today!

Here are a few things that made me smile recently, feel free to share them with friends!

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Blast from the Past – Writer Mom Comic “Interrupted”

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope your day is filled with family and fun. To celebrate the holiday, here is the last of the 2011 Writer Mom series. This one looks different because while I was making it I lost the paper I was working on and ended up creating a photoshop mashup instead, which admittedly turned out pretty cool.



To see the original post, click here.